How to use and care for your shampoo and conditioner bars

Thank you for your trust and for taking the leap to a more environmentally friendly way to care for your hair! I take haircare very seriously. As somone with long, curly, and often frizzy, red hair, I've had a lifetime of hair trials and tribulations. From negative comments, to terrible haircuts, and even harassment. My work on these bar formulations has primarly been in response to my own journey. As someone who is sensitive to just about everything, I've created bars that aren't overly fragranced and include ingredients that won't hurt you or our precious environment. These are soap-free, ph balanced bars that are formulated for all types of hair. I hope you love them as much as I do!


If this is your first time using a shampoo bar, I think you will be amazed at how much lather is produced from the bar. Wet hair thoroughly under warm to hot water and rub bar directly onto hair until enough lather forms that you can work it all the way to your scalp. This is an important step in shampooing that folks often skip, especially those with long and/or thick hair. Our scalp massaging brushes may also be helpful. Rinse thoroughly. I highly recommend following up with our conditioner bars.


Magic time! Conditioner bars are amazing and they take some getting used to. Briefly run hot water over the conditioner bar and then move the bar through your hair. Take your time to glide the bar through as many strands as you can. You won't really notice anything coming off the conditioner bar, but keep gliding through your hair. Rinse with hot water and feel the magic happen. If you need more detangling or moisture, repeat the process. 


To ensure your bars last as long as possible, keep them dry between uses. We have some dish options available in our shop, however, waterfall type dishes that have limited contact with the bars are ideal. 


Give it a week. Many claim that these bars should work immediately but that just hasn't been my personal experience. After testing many variations of these bars I've found that day 4-6 of use was when I could really tell a difference. So give it a week before you decide how it will work for your hair.

To my fellow curly haired folks - My favorite thing about these shampoo and conditioner bars is that they don't leave a residue. I have found that when adding styling products, they tend to work SO MUCH BETTER and won't leave your hair limp and draggy.